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Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Statement
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The members of Kappa Eta Phi Professional Fraternity hold diversity as one of our core values. This definition of diversity extends to equity and inclusion for all members of our fraternity and beyond. We recognize the importance of diverse perspectives and respect each other's differences, as every individual brings unique value to the table.​ We will not tolerate any acts of racism or discrimination from our members, whether directed at fellow members or those outside of our organization. If any member is found to act in a way that demeans others based on race, ethnicity, identity, or other factors, their actions will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. If such acts are proven to be racist or discriminatory and continue, we recommend the removal of KEP membership for the individual in question.​ Below is a list of some standards we hold our members to in order to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment. Please note that this list is not exhaustive.



  1. Members will not engage in or tolerate remarks that demean or discriminate against others based on race, ethnicity, identity, or any other personal characteristics.

  2. Members will actively reject implicit biases, including racist actions or intentional microaggressions, from any member of the organization.

  3. Members will not exhibit discriminatory or racist behavior toward individuals outside the organization.

  4. Members will refrain from contributing to a hostile environment and will actively work to maintain a positive and respectful atmosphere.

  5. Members will prioritize education over criticism, choosing to guide others constructively if a discriminatory or racist act is witnessed.

  6. Members will uphold respect and professionalism during recruitment, events, meetings, and all organizational activities, setting an example of unity and allyship.

  7. Members will actively foster a culture of acceptance, inclusivity, and awareness for all individuals.


Disciplinary Actions:

  1. Any member found engaging in discriminatory or racist behavior will be brought before the executive board for a review of their actions. The board will assess the cause and intent behind the behavior.

  2. The first step will be to provide the member an opportunity to explain their actions and engage in an educational process to understand the harm caused.

    1. If the actions are deemed excessively egregious, the board may vote on immediate removal from the organization or placement on probation.

    2. If a member fails to participate in the educational process or demonstrates no effort to improve after being given the opportunity, they will face removal from the organization or probation, as determined by the board.


Our aim is not to exclude individuals who may have said or done something inappropriate, but rather to educate them on the sensitivities of different cultures, identities, and groups. However, if an individual refuses to engage in this educational process and fails to acknowledge the potential harm caused by their actions or words, Kappa Eta Phi reserves the right to remove them from the organization.​ If any member is observed engaging in hurtful or threatening behavior toward another individual, we encourage it to be reported to the president or any member of the executive board. We hold all members to a high standard of professionalism, which includes upholding the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.


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